The site is updated nightly, and contains the most recent 6-months of crime and proactive-policing activity within the city.
The data on the website is provided for informational purposes only. As the data is continually being updated, it is only representative of the point in time it was downloaded. The type of call, incident description, or location may change as a result of further investigation. Therefore, this data is not to be relied upon for official purposes. If you are in need of data that is older than the most recent 6-months or if you need data that is not available via the site, please contact the Tucson Police Department Records Section at (520) 791-4462 or by email at
All addresses contained on the site have been rounded to the nearest hundred block. The address displayed reflects the location where the officer responded to the incident – not necessarily where the incident occurred.
The date and time displayed reflect when the incident was reported, not necessarily when it happened.
Lastly, there is a small margin of error when processing the data for mapping purposes; therefore, some incidents may either be omitted from, or inaccurately placed on the maps in the site.
Please contact the Tucson Police Department directly to verify information or obtain official statistics.
For assistance using the website, please refer to the Citizen User Guide 📷.
For assistance in looking up reported Sex Offenders, please refer to the Locate Sex Offenders page.*By following the web link, visitors will be leaving the Tucson Police Department web page and redirected to an Arizona DPS maintained web page (any questions or issues related to that web page should be directed to Arizona DPS at (602)223-2000)
Tucson Crime Information
Interactive Crime Statistics Search (archived data through July 30, 2012)
Traffic Incidents per Intersection (archived data through July 30, 2012)
NOTE that due to a change in our reporting software, data after July 30, 2012 is not available online. If you need data for Tucson Crime Information after July 30, 2012 please contact the Tucson Police Department Records Section by email at or in person at 270 South Stone Ave, Tucson AZ 85701. For any requests by email please include: your name, address, telephone number and a brief description of the specific information you are requesting.
Arizona Crime Information
Crime Statistics Background Information
Open Data (link)
Quarterly Traffic Citation Demographics
Second Quarter, 2017: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
First Quarter, 2017: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Fourth Quarter, 2016: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Third Quarter, 2016: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Second Quarter, 2016:Â table;Â graph by age;Â graph by race;Â graph by gender.
First Quarter, 2016:Â table;Â graph by age;Â graph by race;Â graph by gender.
Fourth Quarter, 2015:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Third Quarter, 2015:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Second Quarter, 2015:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
First Quarter, 2015: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Fourth Quarter, 2014:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Third Quarter, 2014:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
Second Quarter, 2014:  table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
First Quarter, 2014: table; graph by age; graph by race; graph by gender.
